Dr. Nichola Calvani

Is a postdoctoral researcher in Professor John Dalton’s laboratory at the University of Galway, Ireland. She completed a Bachelor of Animal and Veterinary Bioscience at The University of Sydney in 2016, which she immediately followed with a PhD on the molecular diagnosis and species differentiation of Fasciola hepatica, Fasciola gigantica and their hybrids in Southeast Asia. Her current research focusses on the biology, development and growth of F. hepatica. She uses advanced microscopy, cell culture, biochemistry and immunological techniques to better understand host-parasite interactions and support parasite vaccine development and diagnosis. Nichola is a passionate advocate for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and is the founder of the social media initiative, Herminthology. Along with her colleague Dr. Esther Kanduma, she is co-chair of the WAAVP EDI sub-committee. Together, they launched the ‘Equity in Parasitology’ (EQUIP) Scholarships to support four women from low- and middle-income countries to attend an international parasitology conference each year. This year’s conference is the WAAVP meeting in Chennai, India.